Wednesday, December 2, 2009


How come Lebron james is getting mvp consideratins.Why not Allen Iverson. The nuggets have a better record.


i just asked myself the same question, why is that bum being considered when there's so many other people deserving of the attention

NBA MVP CONSIDERATIOns?ncaa ,nba teams

its going to be Al Thorton cuz Clippers r #1
I vote-

Carmelo Anthony

Allen Iverson

Marcus Camby

Kenyon Martin

JR Smith

GO NUGGS! coolest mascot in all sports!!
because he is a crowd favorite.
They're good but the real MVP is Kobe Bryant
because he hekps the team more and isnt a ball hog
AI is nasty and deserves MVP!
Iverson has Melo, Camby, JR Smith and Martin backing him James doesnt have much and he can single handenly beat any team.
LeBron James is the King of the NBA. Allen Iversons days are passed, but the MVP should go to Chris Paul. He is unstoppable, next John Stockton (except black) and he single handedly brought back the New Orleans Hornets Franchise where it diserves to be.
well if u really seee that the nba has great players but they dont step up the one who really step up are kobe #1 , lebron #2 , and chris pual number #3 but the best one of my choice is kobe bryant they will get thier player's back and blow offf the stage in tha playofffs !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
they are both great players but this years mvp is KB24
Because LeBron IS his team. Without him, they win twenty games tops. Allen Iverson has another legitimate allstar on his team who can shoulder the load if he has an off night. LeBron has no such player. LeBron has to perform at an godlike level every night to pull out the win. AI's already won MVP anyway, and his stats aren't as good as LeBron's. questions asked.
Because Lebron is the NBA's Golden Child. he will more then likely end up 3rd in MVP voting because of hype.

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