Wednesday, December 2, 2009

If you had a vote for NBA MVP?

I'll start off by asking all of the ignorant/biased kids not to tell me SO and SO should win it because he's great

i'm not asking who should win the award

My question is:

How would you deside?

Would you vote for the most dominate player on the most dominate team (as one Yahoo writer recently put it)

Would you vote for the guy whos team wouldn't be playoff contenders without him?

Would you vote for the guy whos team wouldn't be championship contenders without him?

Or would you have your own way of doing it such as a combination of things or strictly statistics?

If you had a vote for NBA MVP?nba referee

I would decide by which player is most important for their team. In other words the 'most valuable player' for their team. I also think I would limit it to Playoff teams because you can't be all that valuable if your team falls short. I would also look at off-the-court actions and take that into effect. Leadership would be big for me too (just cause you score the most points doesn't make you a leader).

Also the MVP would have to be a complete player. Defense is VERY important.

If you had a vote for NBA MVP?basketball tickets ,nba teams

Chris Bosh. He's made his team go from getting laughed at to 3rd place in the east. I know everybody says its because there division sucks but since the start of January the Raptor's have the best record in the East. If you say Kobes MVP i will fight you. Report It

I think the best all around player should win.
I have to go with Kobe. W/O Kobe on the Lakers, would they even have a chance to make it into the playoffs? No. W/O his scoring ability, the lakers and the Celtics would be battling again, but instead of a championship, it would be for the first pick in the lottery. Dirk is a great player, but the mavs would still be a playoff team. Same with Steve Nash and the Suns. Both teams have great players who are all-stars. Kobe was the only player from the Lakers to make it to the all-star game. Kobe isn't selfish or a ball hog. He has to do this for his team to get into the playoffs. Thats why Kobe should be MVP.
MVP for me is the heart and soul of the team. A player that keeps their team in the game and takes charge when the team is losing. Statistics are important, and he needs to be an all-around player. My vote goes for Nash!!
Well its not easy to decide thats for sure. I mean, you have Nash who's stats amazingly got better from last year. And then theres Dirk who has changed his game and brought in towards the basket and the Mavss have the best record. And then you have Kobe with his dominating games. The easiest way out of this would be to combine all this, as in who is the team leader, but the team can operate without him. Who has a better record. What are the persons stats in contrast to other players on the team. It all the questions you asked and others combined that will determine whos the MVP. Except for the question "Would you vote for the guy whos team wouldn't be playoff contenders without him?"... because i think to be a good player, one of the requirements is that you can make an already good team better and play the game in the same flow as the team would without the "MVP".
I look at it this way: could you replace that player with another player of the same position, and have his team still be nearly as effective? For example: I think that you could replace Kobe with Tracy McGrady or LeBron, and the Lakers would be about where they are right now. I think that you could replace Dirk with Tim Duncan or Kevin Garnett, and the Mavs would be in good shape. I can't think of a replacement PG that would run the Suns nearly as well as Nash has. I think that the Suns would be a playoff team without Nash, but i don't feel that they would be serious contenders for the title. Thus, i feel that Nash is the most valuable player to his team, but i could be looking at this all wrong.

nowitzki is a special talent.. don't get it twisted.. but i've watched games this year where nash gets it done in the clutch.. while dirk would miss the game winner.. etc.. that's what separates a mvp

both teams would not be where they are without those two guys.. but my comment above is why i picked nash.. he just makes everyone around him better
One Word K.O.B.E.
I would look on how much of a team player he is. If he's a clutch player that can help in tough games. Is his team still dominate without him if so he is not that needed. will he come through in the finals and choke. Stay healthy almost al season. little if any suspensions and not alot of technicals called on them.
i would vote for Steve Nash because he is the best offenses player. He can mack unbelievable shot.

I just vote for the best :)
I would vote for the guy who team would be NOTHING without many teams have a great starting 5 where they are all all-stars but few teams are great because of one or two players. This must be present for his team to win, %26amp; out of sync when they lose(the team is not successful or valuable without him), must have good offense %26amp; defensive skills.

It should be based on all the above stated %26amp; what you've stated in your question. All in all we know out of everyone in the league. There are only 3 players who are in the running for MVP and haev succeeded at everything we just discussed...can I name them? Dirk, Kobe, and Nash--not in any specific order.
I don't vote for MVP based on Team Record, MVP is a individual award and basing it on a "Team Record" is unfair. I'll use this as a Example do you think if Dallas put Dirk on a team like the Atlanta Hawks he would be considered a MVP....... Hell No wanna know why.......Because the entire team isn't good and just like the commercial says it takes Five. also look at all the MVP awards jordan was robbed of because his team probably didn't have the best record to me that's unfair because to me the MVP should be the Best Player in the League, not the team that has the best record if that was the case they would call it the MVT trophy (Most valuable team) trophy
My vote for MVP is Kobe Bryant:

How would you decide?-- I take in to consideration many things. such as performance in the clutch. ability to take over when it counts. There are many players in the league who are the heart and soul of their team so that isn't taken in to consideration. Another thing is being able to lead a team in to the playoffs that is full of lower level players. Smush parker, Kwame Brown, Sasha Vujacic, Luke Walton (improving) , aaron mckie, jordan farmar, etc..

Kobe Bryant may not be your choice or that of anyone else but for the past 3 years or so he has been the best player in the league. The most clutch and most exciting player to watch. When you get fans in NY, Boston, Atlanta, Las Vegas, all chanting MVP that says a lot!

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